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How to Blend on Procreate – Helpful Tips on How to Blend on Procreate

how to blend on procreate

How to Blend on Procreate – Helpful Tips on How to Blend on Procreate

One of the biggest questions new parents ask when they are preparing for their first baby is, how to mix on Procreate? The short answer is: use the slats. Once you become comfortable with the slats, you will be able to learn how to blend on Procreate with ease. Both offer similar convenience for the budding expectant parent.

When learning how to blend on Procreate, you will need to understand the difference between the two basic painting techniques. While both entail applying a paint stroke onto your drawing surface, the actual difference between these two methods lies in the manner in which the paints are applied. In the majority of cases, using a brush to apply your paint is how to blend on Procreate. With this technique, you will need to use a high-quality bristle brush, such as a sable bristle or baby doll brush. When using a brush, make sure to not apply too much pressure and that you don’t clump up your brush while applying your paint.

The next step in learning how to blend on Procreate is to use the blending brush. You can use the traditional painting brushes like a flat long-handled brush or a finger brush to blend your design. If you choose to use the long-handled brush, make sure you hold the handle down at the approximate length of your nose. This is because you don’t want to get your hand caught in the glaze. When using a finger brush, apply a small amount of paint and rub the end of the brush against your face. It will help you create a more realistic-looking beard.

The final step in learning how to blend on Procreate is to apply the blended design to your drawing surface with the use of the clipping mask tool. If you’re going to apply it manually, this process should only take about 2 minutes. Clip the mask to your rough surface with the use of your drafting pad. You should be able to see your mesh now.

If you want to apply a simple design, all you have to do is draw the line around your mesh with the appropriate tool. Next, apply a subtle amount of black to your drawing surface with the use of your color tools. After that, fill up your mesh with your complimentary colors with the use of your clipping mask. Now you are finished blending. This process will work perfectly on metallic colors, but if you’re going to make an earthy color, it would be better to use an opaque medium.

Another great tip on how to blend on Procreate is to use the alpha lock function. With the alpha-lock feature, you will be able to control the details of the painting process by locking the color of your strokes. Alpha lock allows you to create areas or shapes with specific details by simply holding down the alpha key while drawing. To apply alpha locks, you should first open the paint palette and then press the tab key while making your way to the ‘alpha’ option. By activating the alpha lock, you will be able to apply a variety of shapes and patterns by holding down the tab key until you hit the alpha mode.


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