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How To Blend On Procreate

Learning how to blend on Procreate can be quite a challenge, because it is such a difficult and intricate process. You will want to know how to do it right every time, or you might be doomed to repeated frustration. Fortunately, there are some Procreate blending secrets that will help make your learning experience much easier. Some of the more commonly employed blending techniques with Procreate are outlined here.

how to blend on procreate

Clipping. The majority of Blender brushes have a small “clipping plate.” This piece of metal has a knob on it. When the knob is turned, it raises the clipping plate, so that the distance between the teeth of a brush and the surface of the model is decreased. By doing this, you will decrease the amount of visible seam lines on your models.

Blending with other Blenders. There are several different blending using blend modes that you can do with your Procreate machine. One of them is to simply select two other blenders from your device’s selection. Then, you can switch between them. If two blenders are selected at once, they will both reduce the seam.

The simplest way. For the best results, try doing your blending job with a simple wet brush. You can simply wet your brush and use it to blend on Procreate. The dry brushing will remove any excess paint from the model and it will give your digital art the smoothest look possible.

Alpha Lock. The easiest way to blend on Procreate is to use a Photoshop Clipping Mask. You can simply place the clipping mask in one layer and apply an alpha mask to this layer. The transparency of your original image will be replaced by the masked image.

Blend with Curves. If you want to know how to blend on Procreate, simply start with an idea of what colors you would like your finished image to have. Then, with the Clone stamp tool, you will be able to make your own changes to the outline of your design. Just start with a low opacity and as you alter your design, the opacity of your clipping mask will also change. You can also change the color of your clipmask by clicking on it and then dragging the color to the clipping path.

Create New Layer. After you have created your design with your strokes, you are ready to create your second layer. To do this, you will simply select the layer you were working on and choose New from the options that appear on the Tool Palette. By selecting a new layer name, it will become invisible so you can make some changes to it.

Blend with Mask. The final step of how to blend on Procreate is to place a clipping path over your entire image with the Smudge tool. With the Brush Blending mode selected, click on the Smudge tool and start dragging your brush in a circular motion around your design. You can experiment with different movements for getting a smooth look.


3 easy steps and you're ready


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