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How To Animated On Procreate, Apple’s New iPad Animation

How to animate on Procreate? Get it from the official site. And he is passing these skills onto you. So in this next video, I’m going to present one more case of how to animate on procreate with ease.

how to animate on procreate

So last time we talked about how to animate on procreate, you saw how we animated a simple scene. This time we’re going to go over a bit more detail, and provide you with a real life example of how to animate on procreate with ease. In this video, I’m going to present one more example of how to animate on procreate with ease. So if you have any questions left, just check out my profile. It’s just one video, but I think it’ll be helpful.

So here’s an example of how to animate on procreate, using some very simple, yet fun tools. Grab some items from the inventory, and place them where you’d like the scene to be. Next, grab your ipod, and take this opportunity to turn your ipad into your very own animation studio. Open up the iMovie app, then select “Movie Studio.” You can choose whichever design style you want, as long as it includes 3D elements.

Now we’re going to start creating some very basic animations. To do this, go to the bottom of the screen, and select the little box near the bottom right corner. This will drop down a window, and from there, select “New Movie.” Here, you’ll see that you have two choices: Add Layer, and Show Layer.

After selecting these two options, you’ll need to click on the play icon. If you’ve never seen the videos on Instagram, you might realize that the feature is right below your pictures. Simply drag and drop your images onto the play icon, and you can watch your creations instantly. How to animate on procreate is pretty easy, and now you should have an idea of how to animate on procreate ipad! Happy animating!

That was a quick lesson on how to animate on Procreate, just a quick overview to show you what’s possible. Remember, this video only shows the very basic motion that is achievable when animating on the device. If you want to create advanced animations, or completely change how your pictures look when you are using the camera, you might realize that it’s much more difficult to do this on the iPad. But I thought it was interesting to get a glimpse into the world of film and how to animate on Procreate, and now you know how to do it as well!


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